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    10 Astonishing Facts About Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko

    Alexander Johnson

    By Alexander Johnson - May 12, 2024 | Updated On: 12 May, 2024 | 3 min read

    By Alexander Johnson , 3 min read - May 12, 2024

    Updated On: 12 May, 2024

    Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko. Image Credit: Facebook.

  • Technology has given rise to giant software companies over the years. One of them is Irvine, California-based Zerotier. The man behind this company is software engineer Adam Ierymenko.

    Therefore, today, we will reveal some fantastic facts about Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko. We will try to cover everything from his early years, education, and personal and professional life. So, stay with us until the end.

    10. Adam is a Native of Cincinnati

    In his mid-40s, Ierymenko spent most of his time in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the US. He prefers not to share his personal details. But he is a married man and a proud father of two daughters.

  • 9. Graduated in Biology From the University of Cincinnati

    In 1993, Ierymenko attended the University of Cincinnati. There, he studied Genetics and Evolutionary Biology. Eventually, he graduated with a BS degree in 2003.

    Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko

    Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Interestingly, Adam majored in physics at first but changed to Biology later. As a student, he created a customized curriculum on “organic intelligence,” which included neurology, genetics, evolution, and ecology.

    Talking about organic intelligence, we also have AI-based drug startup Xaira Therapeutics. Be sure to check it out.

    8. Kickstarted His Professional Journey in 1997

    Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko started his career as a Network Engineer and IT Technician at SNSWorld Internet Services. He joined the company in January 1997 and stayed there until September 1998.

  • Adam built and maintained a network for a small internet service provider in Northern Kentucky.

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    7. Returned To Alma Mater As A Laboratory Automation Engineer

    Ierymenko began working for XactCommerce as a Software Engineer in September 1998. He created an XML-based LISP-like language to embed Java objects in XHTML documents easily. He left the company in 2003.

    Similarly, the American national returned to the University of Cincinnati as a Laboratory Automation Engineer in 2003.

  • Adam managed a research and medical testing laboratory in the College of Medicine Department of Immunology and created proprietary software in Java.

    6. Worked As A Software Engineer At Three Firms From 2005 to 2007

    Ierymenko relocated to Boston, Massachusetts, in February 2005 to begin working for LineSider Communications. He became a full-time software engineer at the firm. He worked there for five months.

    Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko

    Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko. Image Credit: Social Media.

    The Cincinnati native moved to Merrill Corporation in September 2005 and worked with Lextranet, Inc. He was involved in implementing high throughput document analysis, classification, and quality control systems.

    Similarly, Adam joined Independent Consulting in January 2007. He worked in independent consulting in simulation science, machine learning applications, and evolutionary computation.

  • 5. Short Stint As A Consultant

    Adam began working as a Software Engineering Consultant for Addgene in February 2008. He worked to improve an event-driven C++ web application and networking stack. He provided his service for six months.

    Once again, the brilliant software engineer provided consulting services for HubSpot CRM. As a consulting project, he implemented software for massively parallel web spidering and scraping.

    Ierymenko left the company after four months in September 2008.

    4. Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko Changed Four Companies In Five Years

    The American national was a Software and Hardware Engineer at Synthesis Studios from September 2008 to November 2009. He worked on a small team contracted to perform rapid technology prototyping.

  • Similarly, Adam became a Senior Software Engineer at KD Security in October 2009. Adam’s manager, Marc Siegal, mentioned that he was an extremely creative and effective engineer and adapted to mastering new technologies.

    Furthermore, the University of Cincinnati graduate joined the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, North Carolina. He worked there for nearly three years until December 2013.

    Finally, Adam joined RED Digital Cinema as a Software Engineer in 2013. He developed and optimized high-throughput image processing algorithms using C++, CUDA, and OpenCL.

    Similarly, why don’t you read about Duolingo CTO Severin Hacker?

  • 3. Founder of ZeroTier

    Ierymenko, with over fifteen years of industry experience, founded ZeroTier, Inc. in April 2015. The company is headquartered in Irvine, California.

    Since the company’s inauguration, Adam has been serving as the Chief Executive Officer. ZeroTier’s flagship end-user product is ZeroTier One.

    Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko

    Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko. Image Credit: Social Media.

    The product is a client application allowing personal computers, phones, embedded devices, and servers to secure peer-to-peer virtual network connections.

    2. Mastery of Multiple Skills

    Zerotier CEO Adam Ierymenko is a technology expert. He is skilled in programming, machine learning, data mining, network engineering, and web development.

  • Similarly, Ierymenko is also an expert in evolutionary biology and evolutionary computation. Along with Java, C++, and JavaScript, he is also an expert in MySQL, C, Linux, and XML.

    1. Worked In Multiple Projects Before ZeroTier

    Adam has given his time and effort to many technological projects. His first work was Archis. The project is still active.

    Similarly, Nanopond, Flatland, and EGADS are some projects he worked on during his tenure at Independent Consulting.

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