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    Helldivers 2 Shatters PS Launch Sales Record Within 3 Months

    Tyler Joe

    By Tyler Joe - May 14, 2024 | Updated On: 14 May, 2024 | 2 min read

    By Tyler Joe , 2 min read - May 14, 2024

    Updated On: 14 May, 2024

    Helldivers 2 Shatters PS Launch Sales Record. Image Credit: Social Media.

  • Just within 3 months, Helldivers 2 Shatters PS launch sales record. It is officially a significant success for the Helldivers community as it is one of those rare classic games.

    Helldivers 2 has shattered the record for the best-selling PlayStation launch game in history, and developers at Arrowhead Game Studios are celebrating this achievement.

    After the recent PSN Link controversy and Sony analyzing their mistake, Helldivers 2 launched their new Warbond Polaris.

  • Helldivers 2 Shatters PS Launch Sales Record: Surpassing Expectations

    Helldivers 2 Shatters PS Launch Sales Record sold over 12 million copies of the game in just 12 weeks, which is unbelievable.

    Helldivers 2 even has an all-time concurrent player peak of 458,709, which is fantastic.

    The sales even surpassed Sonys’s expectations, and there is no doubt that the hell-diverse franchise will live on.

    Helldivers 2 Shatters PS Launch Sales Record

    Helldivers 2 Shatters PS Launch Sales Record. Image Credit: Social Media.

    The game’s focus on squad-based action and a unique blend of humor and challenge are the core factors for gamers’ love for Helldivers.

  • Although Helldivers 2 saw a recent turmoil, it reached the top. Arrowhead Studios’ CEO Johan Pilestedt must be proud of his creation.

    Crushing the Competition

    Sony Santa Monica’s God of War Ragnarok was the previous champion and record holder, which sold 11 million copies in the first 75 days.

    Helldivers has managed to keep up with games like GOW, and everyone is excited to see records that Helldivers 2 will break.

    Helldivers 2 Shatters PS Launch Sales Record

    Helldivers 2 Shatters PS Launch Sales Record. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Also, we should remember that these numbers are based on digital downloads and PlayStations.

  • We still need to find out the sales number of Helldivers 2 PCs.

    A Bright Future for Helldivers

    With such a strong launch and being known as one of the best, helldivers will be more successful.

    The developers are constantly working on new content, and they have been updating and expanding the game.

    Helldivers 2 Shatters PS Launch Sales Record

    Helldivers 2 Shatters PS Launch Sales Record. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Adding to this, The helldivers two community is also strong, and they are getting what they want.

  • One thing is clear: as long as the developers cooperate with the Helldivers 2 community, this game will have a lot of longevity and success.

    What’s Next for Helldivers 2?

    Although we don’t know if hell divers will give us something special to celebrate this success.

    There might be some chance that there will be new content with maps, weapons, and campaigns to thank the players, just like the Warbond update.

    Overall, gamers will wait for the update, and the game will keep breaking records.

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