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    Top 8 Facts About Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis

    Sav Anderson

    By Sav Anderson - May 23, 2024 | Updated On: 28 May, 2024 | 3 min read

    By Sav Anderson , 3 min read - May 23, 2024

    Updated On: 28 May, 2024

    Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis. Image Credit: Social Media.

  • CEOs are crazy visionary and smart, and why wouldn’t they be? All these successes and mind-boggling world-altering inventions and services they provide result from their intelligence.

    Today, we will open a discussion channel on Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis, also known as the smartest CEO in the world.

    Let’s learn more about the fantastic CEO in depth!

  • 8. Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis: A Short Factual Paragraph About His Personal Life

    Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis was born in London in July of 1976 to a Greek Cypriot father and a Chinese Singaporean mother.

    Professionally, Demis is a British computer scientist, artificial intelligence researcher, and entrepreneur like Tara Chklovski.

    What Demis offered to the world since a timid age was brilliance as a video game AI programmer, designer, and a fantastic board game player, especially as a chess prodigy.

    Today, Demis is the chief executive officer and co-founder of DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs and a UK Government AI advisor.

  • 7. 2011 And The Establishment Of Deepmind

    In 2011, Hassabis co-founded a UK-based AI startup, Deepmind Technologies, alongside Shang Legg, a fellow mate from UCL, and Mustafa Suleyman.

    The company’s prominent development was a computer system that was more than competent in comprehending and playing an Atari computer game solely by glance at a screen.

    Deepmind, thanks to its impeccable genius, was acquired by Google for 400 million pounds on January 27, 2014, which was Google’s largest European acquisition back then.

    The Deepmind AI boss is working passionately to take Deepmind to an even higher pedestal.

  • Recently, at the Google I/O event that took place on the 14th of May, Hassabis revealed information on DeepMind Veo and Gemini Flash 1.5.

    6. Demis Was Counted Among The Top Chessplayers At A Fragile Age

    Born genius, Demis, at the age of 13, secured the rank of chess master and was the second highest-rated player in the world under 14 at the time.

    Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis

    Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis. Image Credit: Social Media.

    From his solid chess track record and earnings in the form of winnings, the chess prodigy bought a ZX Spectrum 48K at 8 years of age, only to find himself the pond of curiosity and intense desire to program for a book, which he self-taught himself.

    5. The Time When Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis Stepped Into The World Of Video Games

    In the early 1990s, Hassabis commenced a devotion to the video game fraternity at British studio Bullfrog Productions, co-designing and leading programming on the classic game Theme Park in the late teenage year 17.

  • Who was his colleague? Well, it was none other than legendary games designer Peter Molyneux.

    Basically, his enrollment in Theme Park developed such a beautiful game that it sold millions of copies, acting as a blueprint for a whole genre of simulation sandbox games.

    All this before reaching even 20! Amazing, isn’t it?

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  • 4. Hassabis Leaving From Bullfrog And Enrollment In Cambridge

    Hassabi left Bullfrog intending to study Computer Science Tripos at Cambridge University, which, in 1953, had the world’s first undergraduate computer science course.

    In the year 1997, Hassabi graduated with flying colors and yet again rejoined Molyneux, who had parted ways from Bullfrog and joined hands with Lionhead Studios.

    In the passion of events, the British programmer catered his service as a lead AI programmer on the title Black & White.

    3. The Year Was 1998, And Hassabis Had Just Founded Elixir Studios

    The now Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis had sufficient experience to establish his own venture, and he did so by founding Elixir Studios in 1998, a London-based independent games developer.

  • Elixir Studios expanded broadly, signing massive contracts with big fishes like Vivendi Universal and Microsoft and developing legendary games like Republic: The Revolution and Evil Genius.

    Later, in April 2005, Elixir was officially sold to various game publishers. A bold move necessary for the biggest move Demis was yet to rattle.

    2. The Smart Mind Was Never Satisfied Bagging Mind Sports Olympiad In 1999

    In 1999, the smartest CEO, Demis Hassabis, won the Mind Sports Olympiad – an annual international multi-disciplined competition for games of mental skill.

    Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis

    Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis. Image Credit: Social Media.

    A red light or a stop sign was never an option for the genius, winning the Olympiad 5 times in total before retiring in 2003.

  • Likewise, you might be interested in learning about Larian Studios CEO Swen Vincke.

    1. The Career In Cognitive Neuroscience Just Before Being An AI Boss

    After a stronghold in a video game career, Hassabis ventured out a career shift to cognitive neuroscience to allow him to return to his primary interest in artificial intelligence.

    The British neuroscience pursuer’s work was listed in Science magazine’s top 10 scientific breakthroughs in 2007.

    Hassabis obtained his PhD in cognitive neuroscience from the University College London in 2009.

  • We wish Deepmind AI Boss Demis Hassabis the heights of more success, and may his adventures keep inspiring and changing the world for good!

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