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    How Is Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson Helping Other Climate Startups?

    William Jones

    By William Jones - Jun 28, 2024 | Updated On: 28 June, 2024 | 3 min read

    By William Jones , 3 min read - Jun 28, 2024

    Updated On: 28 June, 2024

    Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson. Image Credit: Social Media.

  • With the financial ecosystem growing, more capital flows into climate solutions, bringing numerous financial opportunities.

    Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson has proven this by doing his best in the economy and helping other entrepreneurs. Our economy must adapt to address climate change to ensure a livable planet for future generations. Don’t you think so?

    We should consider this because we are witnessing one of human history’s most significant societal transformations. People think nonprofits or loss-making organizations only work for the environment or the planet, but here is what you need to know.

  • Meet Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson

    Co-founder and CEO Dimitry Gershenson has developed a fintech platform offering climate entrepreneurs fast, flexible, founder-friendly credit.

    Gershenson has 10+ years of experience across climate tech, operations, and impact investing. After years of experience, he started Enduring Planet.

    Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson

    Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Dimitry also served as COO for Rango Wireless. He led M&A. He has also built Meta’s Energy Access program.

    This $15M+ investment initiative helped bring energy access to 3M people and unlocked nearly $500M in additional capital in underserved markets like Kenya and India.

  • Dimitry is on the board of Ecosafi, a climate startup backed by Lowercarbon. The company enables clean cooking in emerging markets.

    Dimitry earned a BS in Natural Resource Management from Rutgers University. The CEO holds an MS in Energy and Resources from UC Berkeley.

    What Does Enduring Planet Do?

    Enduring Planet guarantees that every climate entrepreneur secures the vital funding for success. It provides founder-friendly working capital and financial advisory services to climate startups and small/medium-sized businesses nationwide in the US.

    Today, the primary services are the Grant Advance and the new Fractional CFO service. Together with the CFO, the company empowers every climate entrepreneur with world-class financial planning, analysis, and strategy.

  • The company holds every entrepreneur’s needs to attain their dreams so that tomorrow’s world will be better for the upcoming generation.

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    CFO’s Role In Providing Additional Services For Climate Startups

    The CFO uses the team’s financial expertise, accounting platform, investor network, and trusted brand to provide crucial funding and top-quality financial support for the climate ecosystem.

    The team has invested almost $11 million in 39 transactions with 31 partners and has helped numerous others secure various forms of financing.

  • It includes venture capital, project finance, grants, and non-dilutive capital. The co-founders of EP have raised hundreds of millions of dollars in equity, debt, and catalytic capital.

    Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson

    Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson. Image Credit: Social Media.

    They have faced circumstances due to not finding good financial help while in need, and that’s why they understand the needs of the new climate entrepreneurs.

    The team ended up with messy books, wacky models, and fundraising strategies that didn’t align. So, they can’t afford these fantastic businesses to lose momentum due to financial disarray.

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  • Story Behind Enduring Planet Getting Started

    The Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson started with his co-founders Erin Davis and Joshua Krafchin. Erin and Dimitry have worked together for over a decade at the intersection of climate and finance.

    Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson

    Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Dimitry provided risk-tolerant financing to intermediaries like Sunfunder, Lendable, and Responsibility.

    At the same time, Erin was in the process of setting up SIMA, an impact fund manager that would provide a range of credit products to clean energy companies in emerging markets. Her team raised nearly $200M when she left to start Enduring Planet with Gershenson.

    Both Erin and Dimitry saw three fundamental gaps in the climate finance ecosystem. The climate sector lacks non-dilutive capital and accessibility for entrepreneurs, which is slow and conservative.

  • The significant progress in financial technology over the past two decades seems misguided. A significant amount of money was waiting to be deployed but lacked the proper structure and model to participate.

    The Enduring Planet CEO Dimitry Gershenson has done an excellent job providing capital funds to entrepreneurs without any delusion or complexity to provide more climate savers worldwide.

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