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    FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access Bugs Alert: Riddled With Technical Issues

    Tyler Joe

    By Tyler Joe - Jul 2, 2024 | Updated On: 02 July, 2024 | 2 min read

    By Tyler Joe , 2 min read - Jul 2, 2024

    Updated On: 02 July, 2024

    FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access Bugs Alert. Image Credit: Social Media.

  • The long-awaited expansion of Final Fantasy XIV has finally begun, and the dawn train is finally in Early Access mode.

    While many people are already trying out the new content, FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access bugs alert are also piling up.

    Although this is absolutely normal for early access and demo mode, gamers are not happy with these bugs.

  • FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access Bugs Alert

    The main bug in the FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access was in the Xbox version, and the game froze when players traveled to a new area.

    The game also has some animation glitches and lag. There are also a ton of bugs in animation when following raids, and some in-game activities are not working properly.

    FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access Bugs Alert

    FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access Bugs Alert. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Also, most gamers found issues in Delirium Reginae, Dragonsong’s Reprise, The Minstrel’s Ballad, and Shinryu’s Domain.

    Although all of these bugs and glitches might be fun for some, many gamers are annoyed by them.

  • Apology From Producer

    Developer and producer Naoki Yoshida has apologized to all the players for all of the issues and bugs that have been going on.

    FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access Bugs Alert

    FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access Bugs Alert. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Yoshida apologized, stating:

    Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has been playing Dawntrail since the start of early access. However, I would like to offer my sincere apologies regarding the issues that we have identified and listed below. Please let me explain the status of the investigation behind their causes and the measures we plan to take to address them.

    With this, it seems the developers will work on all the bugs and end them soon.

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    Bugs Getting Fixed Soon

    Gamers facing issues can submit bug reports since the developers are active and on the clock to solve them. Gamers have also been reporting most of the major issues in the forums, which will likely be finished in the next update.

    In the meantime, you can still enjoy this fantastic new content with much other fun stuff to do. You might face some annoying glitches, but gamers must deal with it until the next update.

    This much for the FFXIV Dawntrail Early Access bugs alert article. We will be back with more gaming content soon.

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