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Voidpet Garden: The Emotion Monster Mental Health

Abigail Hadid

By Abigail Hadid - Apr 5, 2024 | Updated On: 05 April, 2024 | 3 min read

By Abigail Hadid , 3 min read - Apr 5, 2024

Updated On: 05 April, 2024

Voidpet Garden. Image Credit: Instagram.

Voidpets are figments of our imaginations that are generated from our emotions. You can find out how mature it is and how emotional your Voidpets feel by looking at their eyes.

Voidpet Garden was a game for our mental progress and health. So, how does the app help us with self-awareness? We coexist with emotions and can build a relationship with Voidpets.

We can care for them, help them grow, and travel with them. So, get to know the game and yourself through it.

Voidpet Garden: Mental Health

Voidpets are emotional manifestations found in the Void. Players can capture them using containers and train them for battles.

Voidpets have unique eyes that indicate their emotions; they can take on unique forms as they grow. There are 96 vivid variants, divided into six elemental groups: Void, Wood, Fire, Earth, Water, and Metal.

Each pet has a 5% chance of being shown as the color scheme assigned to it. Players can obtain their first Voidpet from three options: Sad, Anger, and Anxious, with Envy being the hardest to care for.

After choosing a starter, players must give their new Voidpet a name and choose carefully. Voidpets can be caught using containers outside the Institute and found in various locations on the map.

Voidpets undergo evolutions, which change their appearance without affecting stats. Players need 360 wishes of their species and at least level 48 to evolve a pet, which requires 3600 wishes of its species.

Journaling Mental Therapy

Voidpet Garden has different approaches to mental well-being and provides a space for reflection. Check on your plants to discover daily mindfulness exercises to grow in the garden simulator.

Choose from the journaling mental therapy prompts:

Think positive

Voidpet is inspired by cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, which entails detecting our cognitive biases and deconstructing harmful beliefs.

Voidpet Garden

Voidpet Garden. Image Credit: Instagram.

The self-help practice focuses on exploring our negative thinking patterns and learning to reframe them positively.

Practice Gratitude

Self-help practice is about thinking positively and appreciating the beautiful things in our lives. Gratitude makes us feel warmer toward people, which enhances our relationships and general happiness.

Emotional Naming

In Voidpet, you can describe how you feel in words, turn sensations into data, and express yourself positively. Our conscious mind can offload stress from our physical response.

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Voidpet Forms: More Eyes, More Awareness

In the early stage, Voidpets are young critters who are curious and have plenty of room to grow. Later, Voidpets are wise, giant creatures who live a life of Nuanced emotion.

Capturing a Voidpet is marked as self-awareness, and raising one is a testament to self-mastery. Voidpet Garden was made for self-awareness and self-care.

Voidpet Garden

Voidpet Garden. Image Credit: Instagram.

No wonder we will master the Voidpet and ourselves. What levels does Viodpet contain? Find out.

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Why Use This App? Pros And Cons

Pros Cons
Self-care meditation Self-care activities once a day
Mood tracking Buy a paid subscription in order to enjoy the app

Voidpet Levels

Voidpet Garden has different levels, and the more the pet is upgraded, the higher the grade of containers will be. Overall, Voidpets have up to seven levels.

The zero level is Auro, and the first is Psyche. To the next level the second level is the mind, and the third level is the body. When it reaches the fourth level, it is known as Ego, and the fifth level is Spirit.

The sixth level is called Heart, and the very last level, the seventh level, is known as Soul. The emotions become more potent on each level; handling them will take more of you.

Descending into the depths of the Void, you will discover creatures that live in all different parts of your being.

For people using the app, you might also like to explore Cutting-edge dating apps for introverted adults that might help build good mental health.


Q. What is the point of Voidpets?

A. It is an app where you can befriend your emotions.

Q. What to do in Voidpet Garden?

A. We can capture them and train them to engage in battle.

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