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    The Detailed Case Study Of David Luan Adept AI Labs


    By Rayan - May 26, 2024 | Updated On: 26 May, 2024 | 3 min read

    By Rayan , 3 min read - May 26, 2024

    Updated On: 26 May, 2024

    David Luan Adept AI Labs. Image Credit: Social Media.

  • California-based Adept AI is a unicorn startup that works closely to bring together humans and computers. David Luan, the CEO and co-founder of Adept, is passionate about the intersection of machine learning and society.

    Today we will reveal the detailed case study of David Luan Adept AI Labs and its exciting journey. The company is one of the fastest-growing unicorns among other big giants Wiz Cybersecurity, Bytedance, and Cyera Security.

    Luan, a former OpenAI vice president of Engineering co-founded Adept AI with eight other Machine Learning pioneers from Google, DeepMind, and OpenAI. So, let’s know what’s happening?

  • David Luan Graduated From Yale University

    David Luan attended college at Worcester State University, earning a computer science certificate through college courses between 8 and 13.

    Luan attended the Philips Academy Andover from 2006 to 2009. Later, he enrolled at Yale University, completing his Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in applied mathematics and political science.

    While attending Yale, David was involved in activities and societies, including Yale Political Union, Yale Entrepreneurial Institute, and Yale Entrepreneurial Society.

    Beginning Of a Professional Career

    CEO David Luan of Adept AI Labs started his career by working as an intern in the computer science department at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. However, after his internship, he worked for different companies.

  • The Yale University graduate also worked at iRobot as a researcher, where he developed complex algorithms for joint aerial and ground robot systems.

    David Luan Adept AI Labs

    David Luan Adept AI Labs. Image Credit: X.

    Luan also worked as a Product Manager (PM) at Microsoft. Later, he joined Dextro as its CEO, a company that provides deep learning in video categorization.

    David and his team started in the media space but were pulled into body-worn camera footage in 2015 by the Chief Data Science office. Later, Dextro’s product was rebranded as Axon AI and was acquired by Axon.

    Director Of AI At Axon

    David became the Director of AI at Axon, where he ran Axon Research, a group of folks conducting policy work and ML research to advance accountability and transparency through the bodycam footage.

  • The team worked on video categorization to enable bodycam footage faster and for communities to hold officers accountable for poor behavior.

    The former director of AI at Axon was responsible for the efforts at Axon to establish an Ethics Board and a blanket ban on facial recognition, which the Ethics Board later backed in the first report.

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    David Luan Adept AI Labs: Meet The Founding Team

    David is the founding team member and CEO at the Adept AI Labs in the San Francisco Bay Area. He joined the company in January of 2022.

  • Like the general-purpose AI operations done by Deepmind, Adept specializes in ML products and research labs, building general intelligence by enabling computers and people to work together creatively.

    David Luan Adept AI Labs

    David Luan Adept AI Labs. Image Credit: Social Media.

    The company’s employee size ranges from 51 to 200, with 89 associated members. The software development company was founded in 2022.

    Within a year, Adept raised $350 million in venture capital at a post valuation of $1 billion. Investors include General Catalyst, Spark Capital, Microsoft, and Nvidia.

    David co-founded Adept AI with two other Large Language model experts Ashish Vaswani and Niki Parmar. However, both of them have gone to launch their own startups.

  • In addition to the three co-founders, the founding team of Adept includes Kelsey Szot, Eric Elsen, Augustus Odena, Maxwell Nye, Anmol Gulati, and Fred Bertsch.

    Broader Research Vision For OpenAI

    With the senior research scientist, CEO David Luan Adept AI Lab set a broader research vision for working with teams and OpenAI to choose match research areas.

    David did everything required at OpenAI to deliver outcomes, including GPT 2, and grow the company from 30 to 120 members. It was his co-founders who invented Transformers in 2017. The word “T” in GPT is based on Transformers.

    For information, Transformers are a type of neural networks that transforms an input sequence into output.

  • Interest In Research Organizations

    David Luan Adept AI Labs has always enjoyed building research organizations that strive for a combination of directed basic research focused on improving methods and large projects to solve open challenges in ML.

    David Luan Adept AI Labs

    David Luan Adept AI Labs. Image Credit: Social Media.

    However, Luan is interested in generative models for all modalities, interactions between policy and technology in discovering AI outcomes, and learning a distribution of tasks and distribution to meta-learn.

    Over the past few months in 2024, Adept’s CEO David talked with industry’s large tech companies for a potential sale or partnerships. There are countless AI startups launching every months. But, let’s see what will Adept’s team do in the near future.

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