
8 Amazing Facts About Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset

Tyler Joe

By Tyler Joe - May 8, 2024 | Updated On: 08 May, 2024 | 3 min read

By Tyler Joe , 3 min read - May 8, 2024

Updated On: 08 May, 2024

Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset. Image Credit: Social Media.

Cecile Brosset, the founder and CEO of Sonio SAS, is leading her organization, which delivers digital health tools.

Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset is bridging the gap between patients, clinicians, and radiologists with innovation. Here are eight facts about Brosset and her mission to reshape health.

French femtech company Sonio focuses on improving the screening quality for potential fetal hazards or offering more comprehensive reassurance to expectant mothers.

What is Sonio?

Sonio is a Paris-based startup that develops software to help parents with parental ultrasounds. Sonio will improve efficiency, accuracy, and expertise in parental ultrasounds. However, a global medical equipment company, Samsung Medison, acquired Sonio for almost $93 million.

Since it is an AI-powered software that specialists can use for screening, this is supposed to bring change in Medtech. All in all, Sonio can help optimize clinical data and improve collaboration among healthcare professionals and patients.

8. International Upbringing

Cecile was born in France and spent most of her time living in Germany, Sweden, and England due to her dad’s diplomatic profession.

Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset

Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset. Image Credit: Social Media.

This exposure to multiple cultures has made Cecile very adaptable, and she successfully brought this trait to Sonio and its operations.

7. MedTech Encounter

Although working in health at the moment, Cecile has a degree in political science and strategic management.

Later, Brosset worked with well-known physicists and engineers at Ecole Polytechnique in Pars, eventually inspiring her to combine technology with health.

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6. First Steps in Digital Pathology

Before Sonio, Brosset worked as an Entrepreneur in Residence at Kamet Ventures.

This made Cecle even more interested in healthcare and tech after getting all the insights and knowledge she needed.

Ceciule started Sonio in 2019.

5. Creating Sonio

Since Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset was determined to improve health care and give a better experience to the patient, Sonio was founded.

Sonio made it possible to combine teleradiology and telepathology through cloud-based solutions that allow image sharing, diagnosis, and reporting.

Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset

Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset. Image Credit: Social Media.

These features made remote consultations very easy, like never before and reduced delays while diagnosing critical illnesses.

4. Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset: Accomplished Executive

Cecile is one of France’s top female executives in digital health; she shows exceptional leadership and innovation.

Due to this, some attracted international attention and raised over $14 million for an AI-powered prenatal screening platform.

3. As a Women Tech Advocate

With all of this success, Cecile is still true to her roots and promotes gender equality. Powerful women in tech include Ruth Porat, Lorraine Twohill, Safra Catz, Mira Murati, Melanie Perkins, and more.

Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset

Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset. Image Credit: Social Media.

Brosset encourages women to participate and work in technology careers, and she is often seen supporting female entrepreneurs.

Cecile wants to amplify women’s voices in male-dominated industries.

2. Giving Back

Although Sonio itself is like giving back to the community, Sonio will play a huge role in parenting soon.

Cecile often volunteers for associations that are focused on helping cancer survivors and their treatment.

Brosset is also Vice President of the French-American Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco.

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1. Visionary Mindset

Brosset is one of the few people who are working on AI enhancement in health.

Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset has a vision where AI-enhanced diagnostics will help clinicians treat people efficiently and accurately.

This is the reason why Cecile is so focused on collaboration since she works closely with experts in machine learning and health experts.

With this vision, Sonio will most likely always stay ahead in the evolving tech and medicine landscape.

Sonio CEO Cecile Brosset is breaking barriers in the medical sector, and her achievements prove she has what it takes to mold the future of Medtech.

Everyone is looking forward to witnessing what Sonio will achieve under the leadership of Brosset.

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