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    11 Interesting Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz

    Tyler Joe

    By Tyler Joe - Apr 30, 2024 | Updated On: 30 April, 2024 | 3 min read

    By Tyler Joe , 3 min read - Apr 30, 2024

    Updated On: 30 April, 2024

    Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz. Image Credit: Social Media.

  • One of the most influential female figures in the tech world, Safra Catz, is described as a brilliant business strategy maker. She is the sole CEO of Oracle, a computer software company.

    If you don’t know, many media outlets have named Catz a powerful businesswoman. So, today, we will look at some interesting facts about Oracle CEO Safra Catz.

    Safra continues to take Oracle to new heights, and while her professional journey is interesting, her personal life is also very amusing.

  • From Banker to Tech Titan

    Catz’s background is definitely not what you expected for an Oracle CEO.

    The Israeli-American started her career as a banker at Investment Banking at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette.

    Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz

    Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Although this might be considered useless, Catz’s experience in banking would later help her build solid finances for Oracle.

    Larry Ellison Is Pivotal In Safra’s Career

    One of the interesting facts about Oracle CEO Safra Catz is that her career took a sharp turn when she met Larry Ellison, the founder of Oracle, around 1991.

  • Since Catz had much financial knowledge, Larry recruited her to join Oracle. Later, the present CEO joined Oracle and worked as a Senior Vice President of Finance.

    A Quick Rise Through the Ranks

    Although Safra did not have a Tech background, her knowledge of finances and leadership skills were more than enough to make her the Chief Financial Officer of Oracle in 1998.

    With moves planned by Safra, Oracle went ahead on a very good roadmap to sucess while growing more stable.

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  • Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz – Collaboration with Mark Hurd

    In 2014, Catz and Mark Hurd were appointed as presidents and Co-CEOs of Oracle.

    Oracle was under dual leadership with these two geniuses, which was successful.

    Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz

    Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Catz made immense improvements and progress in Oracle’s internal operations and finances, while Hurd was exceptionally good in sales and strategy.

    But Hurd resigned from his position in 2019. Since September 2019, Safra has been the sole CEO of Oracle.

  • A Champion for Women in Technology

    Catz is a vocal advocate for women in the Tech Industry. Although there are a lot of issues concerning the pay gap and fewer women and other issues for women.

    Safra had been mentoring young women and contributed a lot to breaking down barriers for female entrepreneurs.

    Similarly, read about How Much Is Mandiant CEO Kevin Mandia Fortune?

    Philanthropic at Heart

    Known for her vast donations, Catz is a major donor to many social causes. Other women innovators are Melanie Perkins, Ruth Porat, and Mira Murati.

  • Passion for the Arts

    Catz isn’t all about business, banks, and techs. She is a fan of art and is a collector of modern and contemporary art.

    Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz

    Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Safra also studies arts/science at the University of Pennsylvania.

    Work-Life Balance Advocate

    While Catz has dedicated most of her life to work, she believes in work-life balance and encourages her employees to do the same. Safra also said,

    “Because of my husband’s unconditional support I am able to sustain and maintain a work balance. Despite our busy schedules, we’re fueled by the desire to make a positive difference in society.”

  • Most Powerful Women In Business

    All of the contributions definitely paid off for Safra since she is one of Forbes’s Most Powerful Women and Most Powerful Women in Business, according to Fortune.

    Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz

    Facts About Oracle CEO Safra Catz. Image Credit: Social Media.

    Safra is constantly praised and celebrated for her sucess in business.

    Personal Life And Marriage

    Catz is married to Gal Tirosh, and they have two sons. She lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

    However, a lot of details of her personal life have not been made public due to security reasons.

  • Looking to the Future

    As a CEO, Catz will definitely be in the company and lead Oracle into the cloud computing era.

    Safra’s vision and leadership will play a huge role in taking Oracle to the next generation of technology. Safra’s journey from banker to Tech CEO has been truly inspirational.

    The business executive’s intelligence, determination, and strategic thinking have made her achieve all of the sucess she has, and it doesn’t look like Safra will slow down any time soon.

    Safras legacy and impact on the world of technology will definitely grow even further in the years to come.

  • This ends our article regarding facts about Oracle CEO Safra Catz. We will be back with another featured article soon. Stay tuned.

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